Wednesday, August 30, 2006
iHack done
The deadline for the "Portable Hacking Device" low poly challenge was tonight, so I busted my ass and did what I could with the remaining time, and here is what I ended up with:
I really need to learn how to use the pen tool in order to make clean curve lines.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Portable Hacking device
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Airbrush PP Tutorial
How to airbrush the imperfections of hot babes in Photoshop, just like in FHM or Maxim.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Display Report from Access using ASP
Here is a post I made on asking for some help with ASP, and some guy named Russell posted an amazing instant working code:
Here is his amazing response code:
Hey there, I am really new to ASP and SQL
My boss gave me the task to do the following:
We have a huge database with a ton of records that specify:
Location, Specialty, Number, and other things. He wants me to create a report that displays
Location1 SpecialtyA Average Number for this specialty
----------SpecialtyB Average Number for this specialty
----------SpecialtyC Average Number for this specialty
Location2 SpecialtyA Average Number for this specialty
----------SpecialtyB Average Number for this specialty
----------SpecialtyC Average Number for this specialty
and so on...
So far I created a page in dreamweaver filled with a huge table with a ton of cells. After connecting the database, what do I type to have it spit out the average number? Something like Response.Write ? Thanks!
Edit/Delete Message
Here is his amazing response code:
Sub main()
Dim ar
ar = getData()
If isArray(ar) Then
showReport ar
Response.Write "No Data"
End If
End Sub
Sub showReport(ar)
Dim i
With Response
.Write "<table>" & vbCrLf
.Write "<tr>" & vbCrLf
.Write "<td>Location</td>" & vbCrLf
.Write "<td>Specialty</td>" & vbCrLf
.Write "<td>Avg</td>" & vbCrLf
.Write "</tr>" & vbCrLf
For i = 0 To Ubound(ar, 2)
.Write "<tr>" & vbCrLf
.Write "<td>" & ar(0, i) & "</td>" '' location
.Write "<td>" & ar(1, i) & "</td>" '' specialty
.Write "<td>" & ar(2, i) & "</td>" '' avg
.Write "</tr>" & vbCrLf
.Write "<table>" & vbCrLf
End With
End Sub
Function getData()
Dim cmd
Dim sql
Dim rs
sql = "SELECT location, specialty, AVG(number_for_this_specialty) " &_
"FROM myTable " &_
"GROUP BY location, specialty " &_
"ORDER BY location, specialty"
Set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
With cmd
.CommandType = 1 '' adCmdText
.CommandText = sql
rs.Open .Execute
End With
If Not rs.EOF Then
getData = rs.GetRows
End If
Set rs = Nothing
Set cmd = Nothing
End Function
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Create an animated Avatar
This teaches you how to make an animated gif from your favorite movie clip:
Create an animated Avatar
Create an animated Avatar
Simple Unsecure Password Protection
This is a super simple Javascript code for making a popup that asks for only a password to be entered. If it is correct, it will forward you to the private page, if it is incorrect it will forward you to the error page. Any smart person could do a viewsource to see the password, but this is for those pages on a company intranet where the employees barely know how to use a browser. This should not be used for a public website on the internet or your ass will get hacked!
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
var getin = prompt("What is the password?","")
if (getin=="superpassword")
if (getin=="null")
if (getin!="superpassword")
Using SQL Set Notation to do Batch Deletes
I am trying to accomplish this, and I have found a link from the 4GuysFromRolla website that I think will help me get it working:
Using SQL Set Notation to do Batch Deletes
Using SQL Set Notation to do Batch Deletes
Simple Delete From Database
Here is some useful code that I used to help make a single record delete function using ASP for an Access .mdb database:
Simple Delete From Database
Simple Delete From Database
Godaddy Forms
Godaddy hosting has two different options: Windows or Linux. With Windows, you are using ASP, and with Linux you are using either PHP or CGI.
In order to make a form in a webpage send you an email with the filled out information, you must:
Also, it is important to note that after changing your email in the 'Form Mail' control, it takes Godaddy approximately one hour for the update to take effect. So don't get worried if the forms are not sending. Wait a little while.
In order to make a form in a webpage send you an email with the filled out information, you must:
- Have your email set in the 'Form Mail' control panel of your hosted account
- Have the code in the webpage "<FORM ACTION="####" METHOD="POST" >
Also, it is important to note that after changing your email in the 'Form Mail' control, it takes Godaddy approximately one hour for the update to take effect. So don't get worried if the forms are not sending. Wait a little while.
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